All children deserve a quality education. Together, we can help them reach their dreams.
Learn more about Teach for Life, the educational branch of Trees for Life.
Making a “Gift from the Heart” is a simple 2-part process:
You may return or exchange an order.
If you are not completely satisfied with your purchase, simply return it for a refund or exchange. It's as easy as that. To return or exchange your purchase, please wrap the package securely, insure it, and include the invoice you received with the shipment. Please indicate the reason for return on the back of the invoice. Allow 2-3 weeks for your return or exchange to be processed. Sorry, delivery charges are not refundable.
In order to return an item, please contact the Trees for Life office at:
Tell your friends and family about the special gifts you have given in their honor with a Trees for Life Gift Card.
Your company may have an Employee Matching Gift Program. These kinds of corporate programs give you the chance to double or, in some cases, even triple your tax-deductible contribution.
How does Employee Match work?
If you see that your company offers a Matching Gift Program, obtain a form and guidelines from your human resources personnel. Then fill in the employee section and mail it, along with your donation, to:
Who is Trees for Life?
We are a small group of people in Wichita, Kansas who have come together to serve. In our service we demonstrate that when a small group of people can lock their mind in unity -- miracles happen. Trees for Life is a non-profit organization that does not give hand-outs -- we serve the poor around the world where they do things for themselves.
How can I contact Trees for Life?