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Gift Card

The Trees for Life Gift Card
Personalize your gift card:


Your Card Info

Who should we send the card to?

Enter the recipient's information.

To: *
E-mail: *
Who is this card from?
Your Name: *
Your E-mail: *
Your Phone: *
Important in case we need to contact you about your order.
What message should be included with the card?
Your name or anonymous as it will appear on the card
- Occasion -
Name: *
of the person as it will appear on the card
300 characters remaining
Preview Card

A gift of {Your Gift} has been given to the World
{Occasion Phrase}

{Their Name}

This Gift from the Heart will bring hope
to people around the world and is from

{Your Name}

{Your Message}

- {Your Name}

To learn more about the gift you have been given, visit:

3006 W. St. Louis
Wichita, Kansas 67203-5129
Phone: (316) 945-6929

{Gift Title}

{Gift Description}