You may return or exchange an order.
If you are not completely satisfied with your purchase, simply return it for a refund or exchange. It's as easy as that. To return or exchange your purchase, please wrap the package securely, insure it, and include the invoice you received with the shipment. Please indicate the reason for return on the back of the invoice. Allow 2-3 weeks for your return or exchange to be processed. Sorry, delivery charges are not refundable.
In order to return an item, please contact the Trees for Life office at:
Trees for Life
3006 W. St. Louis
Wichita, KS 67203-5129 USA
Tel 316-945-6929
Fax 316-945-0909
Please include your order number along with your name, address, daytime and evening phone numbers,and email address if available.
If you wish to exchange an item please indicate the size and/or style of the replacement item, if applicable.
Disputes Policy
If you are not happy with any billing, shipment, merchandise or donation charge please contact Trees for Life to resolve any issue:
Trees for Life
3006 W. St. Louis
Wichita, KS 67203-5129 USA
Tel 316-945-6929
Fax 316-945-0909