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Here's How We Helped!


Fruit of the Spirit

Stephanie , age 9, and Madison, age 7, participated in a 4-H sponsored art exhibit in Nokesville, Virginia. They raised $150 to support the continued scientific study of the nutritional properties of the Moringa tree. Trees for Life is sharing important information about Moringa leaves with people in developing countries and helping them grow Moringa trees.

The artisits learned about composition, form and color, and how to create a group of works centralized around a theme. Their theme was fruit. The title of the art show was "Fruit of the Spirit."



Piano players help plant trees

To celebrate Earth Day, piano teacher Dianne Totten and her students in Verona, Wisconsin performed a recital. The theme was "Rock the Rainforest."



The piano students studied conservation and ecological issues. They also raised money to plant trees in the U.S., and collected pop tabs to help a local charity.

During the recital, each student wore a Trees for Life Tree-Shirt. With the purchase of the Tree-Shirts, they helped plant 180 fruit trees for hungry people in developing countries through Trees for Life.



Lemonade for Trees

A Trees for Life supporter sent us this letter:



Dear Friends at Trees for Life,

Our family has been wanting for years to start a tradition of planting a tree each Earth Day. This year our 4½-year-old wanted to have a lemonade stand. So we decided to sell lemonade to raise money for trees on Earth Day. Our goal was to earn $4 for four trees. We earned seven times that! Besides having fun we were able to spread the word about fighting poverty and global warming with trees. We have established a new Earth Day tradition in our family and a neat way for our girls to learn about giving.




Working together—around the world

When Rebecca Kelly learned about the Moringa tree and its disease-preventing nutritional properties, she got an idea. Maybe her 4th grade students at Evergreen Elementary School could help people in India to plant such trees.


Ms. Kelly contacted Trees for Life and made a connection with the Badmal School in the state of Orissa, India. Villagers in Badmal said they could use Moringa, lemon, and teak trees. So Ms. Kelly's class decided to raise funds to provide seeds, seedlings, and planting materials.


Taking a very personal interest, Ms. Kelly's students gave speeches, made posters and asked for donations. They brought in dollars, nickels and pennies to contribute.

The students in India helped start a Moringa tree nursery. Lemon and Teak saplings were purchased. When the saplings grew big enough, the students helped plant the trees at people's homes and around their school.


Working side-by-side, though thousands of miles apart, Rebecca Kelly's class and the students of Badmal School made a great impact. They helped raise and distrubute a nursery of 500 Moringa seedlings, and planted 150 lemon trees and 200 teak trees at the school.



Share Your Ideas

Do you have a fundraising idea you would like to share? Please email us.