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Lessons of Love


Simmi Dalla

Unsung Heroes

David Grayson building a bookcase

Photo courtesy of Dodge City Daily Globe

Letter from Anne

Anne Kirchner


Anne Kirchner
McPherson College
Communication Assistant
October 13, 2004



Dear friends of Trees for Life,

A Movement

“And Sophie, would you like to share what you gathered from your experience here at Trees for Life with everyone?” Balbir asked me as we were sitting around the lunch table.

I was facing an audience of about twenty people, my heart did not skip a beat when I was called upon to share.

The absence of my nervousness can be attributed to the way in which the people of Trees for Life had welcomed me into their community and made me feel at home. Trees for Life holds what many other organizations lack: a true sense of community.

Visit to Trees for Life headquarters in Wichita, Kansas


I run a small charity in the UK called The Berkeley Reafforestation Trust. We specialise in supporting tree planting and environmental education in the developing world. It was in this connection that I learned of Trees for Life (TFL) and Balbir Mathur, founder of Trees for Life.


An Atmosphere of Giving

Volunteering at Trees for Life was an incredible experience! I learned so much. It was an unusual experience to be in the company of so many people who share my interests. People at Trees for Life believe in peace and respect for other people no matter what their origin.

Volunteering at Trees for Life was an incredible experience! I learned so much. It was an unusual experience to be in the company of so many people who share my interests. People at Trees for Life believe in peace and respect for other people no matter what their origin.

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